Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting Excited Learning Mathematics and Science through TinkerPlots

I am curious to learn and assess computer technology for learning mathematics and science. Even though there are many issues surround the using of computer technology in learning mathematics and science, computer technology offers new ways to learn. It helps students to learn based on problem solving. Another advantage is by using computer technology teachers can create inquiry-based mathematics and science classroom. Of course, besides those things, There are many other advantages of using computer technology in learning mathematics and science.

One of software that I am interested to learn is TinkerPlots. TinkerPlots is software for students in grades 4 through 8. The use of software is to build fluency with data representation and exploration. Animation, color, and dynamic manipulation support students in moving from simple representations to increasingly complex and analytic graphs. Another aim is to get students excited about what they can learn from data. TinkerPlots also helps teachers to create inquiry-based mathematics classrooms

TinkerPlots is friendly and intuitive interface that allows the user to play with the data plotted in an infinite variety of formats.

For more information about TinkerPlots, Please clik the following link.
TinkerPlots Software
Sample of students work
TinkerPlots Movie


  1. Mailizar:

    As I read your post about TinkerPlots, I immediately remembered the video we watched about students with disabilities using technology to get an education. I thought about how foreign TinkerPlot software was to me but how carefully it could be implemented in 4th to 8th grade students’ classrooms to improve and strengthen their understanding of difficult mathematical concepts. I was actually getting excited about data, numbers and graph as I explored what the software has to offer. I can definitely see how this technology could inspire kids to want to learn more about math and science. Great find. Do you think you will use this software in your own classroom?

  2. Hunter, Thanks for your comment. Yes, I am thingking about using the software in my own class room. I need to learn it deeply. Thanks

  3. As I was looking through the different posts, the one on TinkerPlots caught my eye because I recently learned about this program in one of my education classes last semester. We got the opportunity to play around with the tools in the program to see how it worked and all. I had never heard of the software until last semester and think it is such a great way to get students interested in working with data sets. TinkerPlots lets students manipulate data quickly in ways that would be time consuming doing it with pencil and paper. The more exposure students have to the content the better they will understand and be able to apply the knowledge.

    The students can find the mean, median, and mode of data sets, graph data set as well as other types of manipulates using all kinds of different data. The students also can change the colors of data to make it easier to see and understand. As Mailizar stated, the TinkerPlots software was designed for middle school aged students, but I had a blast messing around with it during class. If I ever decide to teach a middle school math class there are some many activities and lessons I could design surrounding the TinkerPlots software. Getting students involved and interested in math is my number one goal and technology like TinkerPlots is one way that I can go about accomplishing this.
